Race Results
May 27, 2024


“Michael Altobelli makes a last lap pass to win the Modified Mafia Feature”
By Brent Hottle
Winchester(VA) Rain, rain, and more rain has been the only thing race fans have been able to
watch on Saturdays for the last few weeks. Anticipation was high for this weekend to see if the
sky’s would stay clear and allow racing to finally resume at the Winchester Speedway. We would
have the Modified Mafia make a return to the track this weekend. Along with the Rush crate late
model, legend, and hobby stock divisions racing on this night. Just before hotlaps were set to
start, Mother Nature would throw us a curve ball as the sky opened up and the rain came down
once again! Luckily, the rains, while heavy at one point, would only last for a short time. Bobby
Dove and his team would quickly spring into action. As they went to work to get the surface
ready for racing once again.

A pill draw would set the heat race orders for all classes except the modifieds, they would run
traditional time trials to set their heat races. Fans could see early on that the track surface would
quickly turn into a tacky one with multiple lanes to pass on. Once some exciting heat race action
was complete, we would see a climb to the pole race for the Modifieds. We would watch Michael
Alltobelli climb from the fifth starting position to the pole starting position for the feature event.
Next, we would pause for a moment for our weekly Invocation and playing of our National


The first feature of the night would be for the Rush Crate Late Model Division. We would see
Travis Campbell get a great start and lead the field into turn one. However, a three car pileup
would ensue in turn four, just before Campbell could complete the lap. On the complete restart
we would see Keith Walls and Campbell get an equal start to the race and head into turn one
side by side. Walls would slide up and make contact with Campbell, Campbell would spin in turn
one. On the third restart of the race we would see Walls lead the field into turn one. Braeson
Fulton would make a crossover move in the middle of turn two to pull alongside Walls and take
the lead as the field raced down the back straightaway. Fulton would begin to pull away as the
caution flag once again flew on lap six as Jim Pownall spun in turn four. Steven Powell would
spin in turn four on the restart. Once the field restarted the race, Fulton would lead the field and
never look back. He picked up his first win at the action track. Tyler Hoy and Davin Kaiser would
round out the top three.


It was now time for the Modified Mafia to take center stage. They would line up and make a four
wide parade lap for the fans before the start of the race. Outside pole sitter Todd Nieheiser
would lead the field into turn one. He would also lead the first lap over Ray Kable and Michael
Altobelli. Travis Clower would get a flat left rear tire and bring out the caution on lap two. Before
the field could get going again an eight car pile up would ensue in turns three and four on the
restart. Nieheiser would continue to lead lap three as Altobelli would move around Kable for the
second position. As the laps began to click away, Altobelli would begin searching low for a way
around Nieheiser. Heartbreak would ensue on lap eleven as Benjamin Seals would spin in turn
four just in front of Nieheiser. Nieheiser would avoid the spinning machine, however Altobelli
wouldn’t be so lucky as he collided with Seals. It would look like Altobelli’s bid for the win would
be over. Nieheiser would continue to lead, as now Ryan Ayers would move around Kable into
the second position. Gary Dillon would spin in turn two on lap fourteen and bring out the caution
flag. On the restart there would be no change in the top three, as Nieheiser would begin to pull
away. Justin Cullum would spin in turn four bringing out the final caution of the event on lap
twenty-four. As the race had been continuing all eyes had been at the rear, then middle, then
front of the field as Altobelli had been making his way back to the front. He would take over the
third position on lap twenty-five and then the second position on lap twenty-seven. Nieheiser
would continue to lead as Altobelli mounted his charge after him. Just as it would look as if
Altobelli would run out of time, Nieheiser would bobble slightly going into turn three. This would
allow Altobelli to charge hard on the top side into turn three. This momentum would allow him to
pull around Nieheiser on the top side and take the checkered flag! Not only was it an exciting
drive through the field to watch, it was an exciting finish on top of it! Todd Nieheiser and Ray
Kable would round out the top three.


After a race like that it was going to be a tough job to come close to the excitement. The legend
cars would not disappoint. Steve Seibert Jr would lead the field into turn one. Sibert led lap one
followed by Stephen Wurtzer and Shaun Abney. Two cars would go for a spin in turn four
bringing out the caution on lap two. After the restart the top three would stay the same. Abney
would pull alongside Wurtzer for second on lap three. Abney would move into second on lap
four as Wurtzer would now be challenged by Logan Carbaugh for third. Abney would move
around Seibert for the lead on lap five. For the next three laps we would see a three car battle
for second between Siebert, Carbaugh and Wurtzer. Two cars would once again spin in turn four
on the eighth lap bringing out the caution flag. On the restart we would see Abney continue to
lead, as Wurtzer and Carbaugh chased him from the second and third positions. The final
caution of the event would come out on lap eleven as a car spun in turn four. Wurtzer would
make a move around Abney for the lead and take it at the completion of lap twelve. Abney
would charge on the low side of Wurtzer as the pair raced to the checkered flag. Stephen
Wurtzer would take the win, as Shaun Abney and Logan Carbaugh rounded out the top three.
The hobby stocks would be the final feature of the night. Kristopher Hutton would lead lap one,
just before Cody Sumption would slow to a stop at the bottom of the front straight away. Hutton
would continue to lead lap two, as the caution would once again fly for a spinning Bubba
Sealock in turn three, Robert Wilson would make contact with the spinning car also. Hutton
would lead the field on the restart. Billy Sonner Jr would stay close to the leader. Chris Sumption
and Justin Hottle would battle side by side on lap four, for the third position. As laps clicked
away Hutton would first begin to slowly pull away from the field for a few laps. Sonner would
begin to close in late in the event and try the low side out of the corner a few times in an attempt
to pull alongside Hutton. Hutton would then move down the track some to stall Sonner’s
momentum. This would allow Hottle and Sumption to close back in on the top two. Hottle would
utilize the top side to pull alongside Hutton and lead lap thirteen. Hutton would charge hard into
one causing him to slide sideways slightly and stall his momentum. This would allow Sonner to
take over the second position. Justin Hottle would go on to win the event, as Billy Sonner Jr and
Kristopher Hutton rounded out the top three.


We want to thank everyone for attending this weekend's events, and for everyone’s patience as
the rains came in and caused us to get a late start. After the night was over, I think the delay
was worth it after seeing all of the exciting racing throughout the night. We look forward to
seeing everyone back next week for the running of the “Tribute to the Legend Buddy Armel”.
This will be a crate late model event you won’t want to miss!


Rush Crate Late Model Results
Braeson Fulton, Tyler Hoy, Davin Kaiser, Gregory Carrico, Isaiah Gochenour, Keith Walls,
Jeremiah Marshall, Travis Campbell, Jim Pownall, Steven Payne, Steven Powell, Shaun Wezel,
Bubby Tharp Jr


UMP Modified Results
Michael Altobelli, Todd Nieheiser, Ray Kable, Ryan Ayers, Mike Franklin, Cody Williams, Cole
Hilton, TJ DeHaven, Ty Norder, Travis Clower, Joey Polevoy, Gary Dillon, Brent Bordeaux,
Justin Cullum, Alyssa Rowe, Justin Millburn, (DNF Taylor Cook, Roy Clower, Benjamin Seals,
Zach Tate, Rick Hulson, Dusin DeMattia, Austin Self, Brad Miller)(DNS Mitch Thomas, Bret


Legend Results
Steven Wurtzer, Shaun Abney, Logan Carbaugh, Chris Transeau, Tyler Rampmeyer, Steve
Seibert Jr, Mike Racine, Scott Musselman, Mike Mohelski, Wayne Dutterer Jr, Cory Phillips,
Jorjie Sweger, Brian Rampmeyer, Joe Racine, Eli Dodge, Vincent Wnrich, Hunter McElroy, Erine
Shirley, Ezra Burdette, Bobby Lafollette Jr, (DNS Matt Grebe)(DNF Justin Cunningham, Dan


Hobby Stock Results
Justin Hottle, Billy Sonner Jr, Kristopher Hutton, Chris Sumption, (DNF Bubba Sealock, Robert
Wilson, Cody Sumption, Dalton Dillman)(DNS Philip Robinson, Gary Shipe)




3-16 3-30 4-13